Below is Mike Gravel's position on the issue of a military strike against Iran. Speculation has been mounting in recent days that the Bush Administration is investigating the option of taking action against Iran.
Hillary Clinton joined other leaders in Congress like Nancy Pelosi in saying that any confrontation with Iran must have the approval of Congress.
Gravel is firmly against any confrontation with Iran, and remains firmly against the war in Iraq, saying that troops must be brought home now.
"Senator Gravel firmly opposes a military confrontation with Iran. Several signs indicate that the Bush administration is moving towards a military confrontation with Iran and Syria; the deployment of a "major strike group" of ships to the Persian Gulf, the detaining of six Iranian officials of a consular office flying the Iranian flag, pointed accusations that both nations are fueling the insurgency in Iraq and the President’s remarks that the U.S. would disrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria to those insurgents.
The notion of war against another sovereign Arab nation while wars continue to rage in Iraq, the Palestinian Authority and Afghanistan, only serves to further threaten global stability."